
Showing posts from April, 2017

Treaty of Versailles

                                   Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919 and consisted of 440 Articles setting out the terms for Germany's punishment. The treaty was greeted with shock and disbelief in Germany. The treaty set out 440 Articles detailing Germany's punishment. These were the most important: Key articles Article number Description 1-26: The Covenant of the League of Nations - Germany was not allowed to join. 42: The Rhineland was demilitarised - the German army was not allowed to go there. 45: The Saar, with its rich coalfields, given to France for 15 years. 51: Alsace-Lorraine returned to France. 80: Germany forbidden to unite with Austria. 87: Lands in eastern Germany - the rich farmlands of Posen and the Polish corridor between Germany and East Prussia - given to Poland. 100: Danzig made a free city under League of Nations control. 119: All Germany's colonies taken and giv

Causes of World War 1

                                 Causes of World War 1 There were many factors tha led up to the start of World War I in Europe. A lot of these factors were rooted in the deep history of the old powers of Europe including Russia, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Britain. The real causes of World War I included politics, secret alliances, imperialism, and nationalistic pride. However, there was one single event, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria , which started a chain of events leading to war. Alliances and Politics In the years leading up to the war, the nations of Europe were constantly jockeying for power and making alliances. Germany made an alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1881. These countries all agreed to protect each other in the event they were attacked by France. However, Italy then went and made a secret alliance with France saying they would not aide Germany. In response to Germany's alliances, France and Russia estab

Causes of World War 2 - Get Amazon Kindle Unlimited  with a Free Trial                        Causes of World War 2 There are many reasons why world war 2 took place. Most of the reasons are related to the turmoil after world war 1 Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I between Germany and the Allied Powers. Because Germany had lost the war, the treaty was very harsh against Germany. Germany was forced to "accept the responsibility" of the war damages suffered by the Allies. The treaty required that Germany pay a huge sum of money called reparations. The problem with the treaty is that it left the German economy in ruins. People were starving and the government was in chaos. This anger was the reason that Adolf Hitler came to power Japanese Expansion In the period before World War II, Japan was growing rapidly. However, as an island nation they did not have the land or the natural resources to sustain their growth. Japan began to look to

Causes of the French Revolution - Get Amazon Kindle Unlimited  with a Free Trial            Causes of the French Revolution       During the 1780’s, France was facing growing anger from its people especially the third estate. Then on the the 14th of July 1789 the people of France finally cracked and than stormed the most hated prison in France , the Bastille. This was considered the start of the French Revolution. The main causes of the revolution was the actions of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the three estates, tax, absolute monarchy , ,the calling of the estates general  and the crop failures. Historians suggest that the actions of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were the most important cause of the French Revolution.  Many people at that were angered about the luxurious life of the King and Queen which they had to pay from their taxes. Marie Antoinette was hated by the French people because of her wasting money such as on a diamond necklace. This was one of the main causes of th

Who benefited the most from the Cuban Missile Crisis

Image - Get Amazon Kindle Unlimited  with a Free Trial pub-2184438885118490 Who benefited the most from the Cuban Missile Crisis There is no single person or country who benefited from the Cuban missile Crisis. In this project I will try to find out how the countries involved suffered or benefited. The Cuban missile crisis was a 13 day long (October 16-28th 1962)  confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union concerning American nuclear deployment in Italy and Turkey with subsequent Soviet nuclear missile deployment in Cuba. The confrontation, was the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war.  There was a coup in Cuba in 1959 . In it, a small group of people led by Fidel Castro took power. The new government of Cuba took over some American businesses. The American government refused to buy anything from Cuba after that. The US embargo against Cuba began February 7, 1962. In 1962, the American government was w